#54: Your Wages AREN'T Your Profits!

If you aren’t separating your wages from your profits, you’re losing money and fooling yourself along the way. This was a conversation I began with Bryan Uhler, second generation builder at Pioneer Builders, Inc, a company his father started 42 years ago.

We decided to record the conversation and share it as an episode. Many of you already know this, but it never hurts as a refresher. And for some of you it will be a much-needed splash of cold water.

We are in these building trenches together, so listen, learn, and implement. Enjoy the episode!

And last but not least, a special thanks to Treacy Duerfeldt of NWC Alliance and Doug Lynch, my insurance pros and today’s sponsors!

Tools to make more money and grow your biz

Need a little help growing your business or making more money at it? In addition to almost 100 free episodes of the podcast, check out The Building Optimal Shop, a place where we have business tools for builders and contractors…and the list is growing.

Or, if you want full-scale consulting or business startup help, check out our brand new:

Building Optimal Business Accelerator

Thank you to our amazing brand partners

Subzero Wolf Cove

Grand Openings



#70: 8 Tips to Combat Soaring Costs


#69: Transparency and Self-Sustaining Companies with Michael Anschel