#43: Smarter Selections with Kirsten Danielle

Kirsten Danielle is the owner of award-winning Alma Homes in Minnesota. In addition to being a talented builder, Kirsten has a strong brand in the industry for her designs. We talk to her about her selections program, working better with designers, and the design trends she is seeing in the market. This is the third and final episode featuring women leaders in the industry. However, I want to have a better balance of guests in the future between men and women, so if you have anyone you think would be a good guest for the show, holler!

Tools to make more money and grow your biz

Need a little help growing your business or making more money at it? In addition to almost 100 free episodes of the podcast, check out The Building Optimal Shop, a place where we have business tools for builders and contractors…and the list is growing.

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Thank you to our amazing brand partners

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Grand Openings



#44: What’s New in Smart Homes with David LaMere


#42: Up Your Building Science Game with Christine Williamson